Harvest Apostolic Church

Leadership & Ministries

Where the GREY AREAS become black and white

Jeff and Tameka Jones are two Christians sold out for the cause of Christ. Jeff was raised in Northwest Indiana, just outside Chicago  Illinois. After God saved him Pastor Jeff has served the Lord in active ministry since 1988. 

Sister Tameka, as she is affectionately known, is a virtuous woman saved from sin at an early age. She serves along side Pastor Jeff in leadership of Harvest Church.

Jeff and Tameka first met at a down-state Indiana youth conference in Indianapolis in 1993. They were both young and in love with Jesus; and they fell in love with each other. They committed themselves to one another and married in August of 1995. Together they raised four great kids.

Over the decades Jeff and Tameka worked diligently in church before pastoring until God gave clear direction to Jeff to start a work for the Kingdom of God. And the GREY AREAS became black and white. After much prayer and with leadership commendation they set out to do a work for God. 

Together they founded Harvest Apostolic Church, and have served in  the pastorate since then. 

Over the few years of ministry God has been able to bless Brother and Sister Jones and Harvest Church in what they consider successive small miracles. “This walk and this way is a journey of unknowns”, says Pastor Jeff, “We just try to follow God’s leading, and pray for God-Results”.

“The church was not started in a building; but we began Harvest’s ministry on the streets of East Chicago Indiana. We knocked doors, handed out tracts and leaflets; we held tent meetings and ministered on corners in some of the roughest neighborhoods in the area” Brother and Sister Jones reflect.

Reaching the harvest of souls yet to be secured is the main focus and goal of Harvest Church. Jeff, Tameka and the Harvest Church are grateful to God for allowing them this moment in time to work as laborers in His vineyard. 

Please, come and be a part of what God is doing at Harvest.

C. Jeff & Tameka Jones, Lead Pastor


“Find a Place to Belong”

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